1973 Honda Civic - awaiting restoration.

I'd long been searching for a good, original, unrusted early Honda Civic, as I've always considered them to be a genuine classic, and important in the development of the automobile, and especially the history of the Japanese motor industry, which is fascinating in its own right. Funnily enough, my search for a good Civic had earlier resulted in my purchase of a delightful 1972 Life SA360, which is closely related to the subsequent Civic, and is fascinating in its own right as an example of a Kei car. I'd only recently finished restoring the Life, so, it was great to finally find the '73 Civic project, to join the classic car family here.

It was also a delight to meet the previous owner, who had started the restoration, but,due to a pretty big change in life circumstances (we all have them!), had to let it go to another restorer. Amazingly, we also had surprisingly parallel backgrounds, although his Dutch parents emigrated to Canada, where he was born, whereas mine emigrated to Australia, where I was born.

↑ The amazingly rust-free shell is wheeled from its resting place for a few years. The previous owner had done some good restoration work to various suspension and mechanical components, which will make this project a lot less messy and time-consuming than some of my recent jobs!

↑ The lack of wheels, and a rather flimsy pallet with small, plastic wheels made the winching onto the trusty Isuzu a slow, careful process...

↑ ...but in the end, the shell was safely loaded and securely strapped for the 235km trip to its new home.

↑ The many parts were loaded and strapped into the 6x4 trailer with cage.

↑ Safely home.

My first challenge is to locate a good bonnet, which was missing from this car when purchased by the previous owner. If anyone knows of a good bonnet for an early Honda Civic, somewhere in or near Victoria, Australia, please drop me a line!

Watch this space for developments!

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